Occupational health and safety


Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) is committed to ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for employees in line with the Russian laws and MMK’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy. 

MMK has in place an OHS management system compliant with ISO 45001. MMK’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy has been approved and put into effect with the aim of ensuring safe production of quality products.

Certificate 45001

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PJSC MMK Occupational Health and Safety Policy

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The Company’s management protects the health and safety of its employees by taking the following steps to comply with the Russian laws:

  1. Acquiring insurance policies covering civil liability for accidents; providing employees with social insurance against industrial accidents
  2. Licensing certain types of activities related to industrial safety
  3. Implementing initiatives to improve working conditions and prevent occupational diseases
  4. Conducting special workplace assessments
  5. Carrying out pre-employment and regular medical examinations, and health and wellness activities
  6. Training and briefing employees in the workplace, organising internships
  7. Providing employees with personal protective equipment, and wash-off and decontaminating agents
  8. Drawing up safety declarations and conducting necessary technical expert reviews
  9. Ensuring emergency preparedness for potential accidents and fires
  10. Monitoring OHS and fire safety
  11. The occupational health and safety of our workers is always a top priority for the Company’s management.


MMK’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy sets the Company’s goals as follows:

Achieving zero injuries.
Consolidating industry leadership in terms of key OHS indicators.
Improving production culture and personal commitment of employees to OHS issues.

By 2025, MMK aims to reduce occupational injuries to:


LTIFR reduction by 2025

Lost time injury frequency rate per 1,000,000 hours worked

LTISR reduction by 2025

Lost time injury severity rate per 1,000,000 hours worked


To improve safety and reduce injuries, a comprehensive programme has been approved to implement a strategic initiative aimed at achieving zero injuries by 2025. The initiative focuses on the following:

  • Occupational safety culture
  • Automation of safety systems
  • Safety culture among contractors


  1. To effectively educate and train employees in safe working procedures, in 2018 the Company launched a Safety School training centre offering lectures and practical classes in occupational health and safety, emergency response, and first aid using advanced educational techniques and special stands (work at height and in gas-hazardous environments, VR simulators, etc.). 

  2. MMK has taken steps to improve the monitoring of workplaces and production areas by deploying Safety Navigator, an automated system to identify and record hazardous activities/situations, and using drones to keep track of the technical condition of buildings and structures.

  3. A framework of behavioural safety audits featuring the option of conducting and completing audits via a mobile app has been developed and rolled out to all employee levels and contractors.

  4. To promote safe behaviour among employees and engage them into safety compliance, over 200 trainings under the Safety Awareness programme have been conducted with employees of all levels in 2021. 

  5. Based on the risk assessment results, a list of hazardous technological operations has been drawn up, with visualised instructions developed and a procedure for training in the safe performance of these operations defined.

  6. An AI-based accident investigation system has been implemented.

  7. A pilot electronic module for the admission of contractors' employees has been implemented and is now being rolled out further. 

  8. To improve safety culture and reduce the risk of injuries among contractors’ employees, terms of the agreement on safe work performance have been updated; monitoring of compliance with the OHS and fire safety requirements involving contractor specialists has begun. A supervisory programme for investment projects and capital repairs is being run.

The following measures have been implemented to educate employees in occupational safety:

  1. To promote occupational safety and receive feedback from employees, a communication channel has been created as part of the I Work at MMK community on VK.

  2. Children’s drawing contests Labour Protection through Children’s Eyes, and Dad, Mom and Me Are a Safe Family are held every year to communicate safety principles to employees and their children.

  3. An annual competition is held to determine the best OHS performers among MMK divisions, managers and workers.

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