Сlaim work
If you have any questions about the quality of Miscellaneous Products, please contact the Miscellaneous Products sales team. All materials related to defective Miscellaneous Products should be sent to Elena Nekerova, senior manager of the Miscellaneous Products sales team.
For your convenience we have developed a service to process quality claims in electronic form through our customer service IT system.
To connect to the system, you need to file an application
For quality issues please specify the following
Please pay attention to the fact that the most comprehensive and accurate information and photos of defects and marking attached will allow enhancing the efficiency of examination of your claim and avoiding additional correspondence to clarify certain aspects thereof.
Postal address:
Customer Support Office, OJSC MMK, ul. Kirova, 97 (Commercial Centre), Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinskaya oblast, Russia, 455000
No. of quality certificate -
No. of heat, lot and product unit (bundle, coil, sheet, if any) -
Size and weight (as per certificate and rejected part) -
Rejection reason and what is the non-compliance with reference documentation (defect) -
Мarking of the actually received product unit (No. of heat, lot, product unit), number of heat, lot, missing product unit. Possibility / impossibility to use the actually received product unit (reissue of documents or return to PJSC MMK).
Electronic signature
Since October 2019, pre-action correspondence regarding quality and weight discrepancies of delivered steel products is maintained by MMK using an electronic signature ("in compliance with the Federal Law On Electronic Signature No. 63-FZ dated 06.04.2011, the electronic signature is lawful and it is equivalent to a handwritten signature).
Claim correspondence
Clauses 5.5 and 10.3 of the supply agreement allow carrying out the pre- action correspondence regarding the quality and weight discrepancies of the shipped steel products by sending any format letters from the e-mail address pretenz@mmk.ru в любом формате.
CTS contacts

Bykova Arina Yurievna
Head of office for customer technical support (CTS)