Attractive work environment
MMK offers an attractive work environment and competitive salaries that exceed the minimum living wage even at the entry-level positions. The salary is based solely on the employee's experience, qualification, competence and performance, without regard to age, sex, race or gender.

Key employment indicators at MMK

NO Name of indicator Unit of measurement 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024   monthly average for the period
january february march april may june
1 Average headcount people 17,887 17,663 17,125 16,951 16,583 16,343 16,499 16,526 16,574 16,613 16,640 16,619 16,579
2 Payroll (total for the period) RUB million 13,250 13,742 13,857 14,847 15,738 17,394 1,788 1,538 1,679 1,732 1,759 1,861 10,355
3 Average employee salary RUB 61,526 64,507 67,206 72,840 78,870 88,482 108,168 92,854 101,086 103,787 105,447 111,524 103,818
* - Сumulative total


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