Other products
MMK offers a wide range of other products in the following categories: products of the mining and beneficiation division, products of the coke and chemical by-products division, products of the air separation unit, and other products from steel-making facilities.
Type of rental
General characteristics
Products of the coke and chemical by- products division
Products obtained by coking a coal blend and used as a key fuel source in many metallurgical processes.
Crushed stone and slag
Granular material with particles larger than 5 mm.
Limestone and dolomite
Sediments with over 50% carbonate minerals content.
Industrial gases
Products of the air separation unit.
Other products from steel-making facilities
Other products
Contacts of ZGP divisions
Deputy General Director for Sales
Sales Department for the Russian Federation
Department for Foreign Economic Activity and the Promotion of New Products
Customer Service Centre
8 (800) 775-000-5
(free on the Russian Federation)