MMK Group adheres to Russian and international standards of corporate governance.
On Februar 16, 2022 MMK received a 7++ rating from the Russian Institute of Directors, confirming that the company’s corporate governance policies are in line with Russian legislation and follow most recommendations of Russia’s Code of Corporate Governance.
MMK has established its own Corporate Ethics Code to boost trustworthiness in its dealings with state and private partners.
The company’s Board of Directors believes this approach builds investor trust as well shareholder loyalty towards MMK Group.
boardof Directors Committees
5 out of
Independent Directors on Board
The purpose of corporate governance is to protect and ensure the rights and legitimate interests of shareholders.
Corporate Governance Principles
Protection of shareholder and investor rights is a key principle of MMK’s corporate policy.
MMK strives to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and the Company’s internal regulations.
MMK welcomes investors, both foreign and domestic, and recognizes the importance of dialogue with them.
MMK adheres to the principle of equal treatment of all its shareholders, including minority and foreign shareholders (as well as holders of depositary receipts certifying the right to MMK shares).
MMK adheres to the principle of conscientious management. MMK recognizes the value of management’s contribution to the creation of conditions for long-term business prosperity.
MMK strives to continuously reduce and prevent harmful effects on the environment, to develop its production potential in an environmentally friendly way, and to implement the best available technologies.
MMK’s Corporate Governance Structure
Our corporate governance achievements

As part of the XIV National Award «Director of the Year», based on the results of the 2018-2019 corporate year, Viktor Rashnikov was included in the «Top 25 Chairmen of the Board of Directors», Tav Morgan, Kirill Levin and Valery Martsinovich — in the «Top 50 Independent Directors», and Sergey Krivoschekov — in the «Top 25 Corporate Governance Directors — Corporate Secretaries». Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works was among the leaders in the annual RSPP sustainability indices «Responsibility and Openness» and «Sustainability Vector». The Responsibility and Openness index reflects how ready organizations are to disclose information about themselves: 29 companies were included in the group of index leaders, among them Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, which had already received praise for its high standards of information disclosure. MMK’s annual reports have repeatedly won contests among Russian issuers, and the plant itself has repeatedly won the contest «For Active Corporate Policy in the Field of Information Disclosure» for issuing companies. The group of leaders in the RSPP Sustainable Development Vector Index for 2020 includes 26 companies that have shown a positive trend, including MMK.

As part of the XIII National Director of the Year Awards (organized by the Independent Directors Association, PricewaterhouseCoopers, RSPP, and the Moscow Exchange), the 2018-2019 corporate year included Rashnikov Viktor Filippovich in the «25 Best Board Chairs»; Tav Morgan, Kirill Levin and Valery Marcinovich in the «50 Best Independent Directors»; and Sergey Krivoschekov in the «25 Best Corporate Governance Directors/Corporate Secretaries».

Viktor Rashnikov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, became the winner of the Director of the Year Award, awarded as part of the national award of the same name based on the results of the 2017-2018 corporate year. Viktor Rashnikov was awarded this title in the «25 Best Board Chairmen» category by the decision of the Expert Board of the Director of the Year Award, established in 2006 by the Independent Directors Association and PwC. The award ceremony was held on November 21 in Moscow.The list of laureates includes two more representatives of Magnitogorsk — Sergey Krivoschekov (Director for Corporate Affairs and Social Programs at MMK) in the «25 Best Corporate Governance Directors/Corporate Secretaries» category and Kirill Levin, a member of MMK’s Board of Directors, in the «50 Best Independent Directors» category.

«Director of the Year 2017» National Award: Valery Yaroslavovich Marcinovich and Morgan Ralph Tavakolian are included in the «50 Best Independent Directors» rating, Viktor Philippovich Rashnikov is included in the «25 Best Board Chairmen» rating, Sergey Valentinovich Krivoschekov is included in the «25 Best Corporate Governance Directors — Corporate Secretaries» rating. MMK became the winner of the contest «Enterprise of The Mining and Metallurgical Complex of High Social Efficiency». The first place was awarded in the category «Social and Economic Effectiveness of the Collective Agreement». MMK and MMK Group enterprises won the regional contest «Collective bargaining agreement as the basis for the protection of employees’ social and labor rights». The Metallurg Charitable Foundation, of which MMK is the main benefactor, won the XIII regional contest of social achievements «Changing the World» in the category «Charitable Activities of Non-Profit Organizations». The Association of Managers prepared a ranking of the «Top 50 Managers in CSR», in which Sergey Valentinovich Krivoschekov, Director for Corporate Affairs and Social Programs, was included.

«Director of the Year 2016» National Award: Rashnikov Viktor Filippovich is included in the rating «25 Best Chairmen of the Board of Directors», Khavantseva Valentina Nikolaevna is included in the rating «25 Best Corporate Governance Directors — Corporate Secretaries».

«Director of the Year 2015» National Award: Kirill Levin was included in the rating of «50 Best Independent Directors», Viktor Filippovich Rashnikov was included in the rating of «25 Best Chairmen of the Board of Directors», Valentina Nikolaevna Khavantseva was included in the rating of «25 Best Directors in Corporate Governance — Corporate Secretaries» within the National Award «Director of the Year 2015».
«Director of the Year 2014» National Award: Aganbegyan Ruben Abelovich, Rustamova Zumrud Khandashevna and Peter Charow were included in the «50 Best Independent Directors», Rashnikov Viktor Filippovich was included in the «25 Best Chairmen of the Board of Directors», Khavantseva Valentina Nikolaevna was included in the «25 Best Directors in Corporate Governance — Corporate Secretaries» rating.

«Director of the Year 2012» National Award: Rustamova Zumrud Khandashevna was included in the «50 Best Independent Directors» rating, Rashnikov Viktor Filippovich was included in the «25 Best Chairmen of the Board of Directors» rating, Khavantseva Valentina Nikolaevna was included in the «25 Best Corporate Governance Directors — Corporate Secretaries» rating.

The Consortium of the Russian Institute of Directors and the leading national rating agency Expert RA assigned MMK a rating of 8 — «Best Corporate Governance Practice».

The Consortium of the Russian Institute of Directors and the leading national rating agency Expert RA awarded MMK a 7+ rating for «Developed Practice of Corporate Governance». MMK’s annual report won the contest of annual reports and corporate websites of RCB Media Group and MICEX in the main nomination — «The Best Level of Information Disclosure in an Issuer’s Annual Report» and won the XIII federal contest of annual reports organized by the RTS Stock Exchange in two of 13 nominations. MMK won in the annual competition «For Active Corporate Policy in the Field of Information Disclosure» as well as in the categories «Anticrisis of the Year» and «Information Policy» of the «Results of the Year in the Urals and Siberia 2010» by the Interfax and AK&M news agencies.

MMK won the International Contest «Best Risk Management in Russia and the CIS 2009». MMK’s 2008 Annual Report won the Federal Competition of Annual Reports held as part of the Sixth Federal Investment Competition (organized by RCB magazine and the MICEX stock exchange) and was the winner in the nominations «Best Annual Report of the Metallurgical Sector of the Economy» and «Best Annual Report of the XII Urals Federal District» of the Federal Competition of Annual Reports (organized by the RTS stock exchange).

MMK is the winner of the All-Russia Contest «Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency» in the category «Implementation of Social Programs». MMK became the winner of the IV All-Russian Competition «IPO Olympus 2007» in the category «Best Corporate Governance Practice». MMK became the «Absolute Winner» of the V Open Annual Reports Competition held within the framework of the VII International Investment Forum «Sochi-2008»; winner of the 11th Annual Federal Competition of Annual Reports and Websites, organized by the Ministry of Economic Development, MICEX and RCB magazine, in the Best Annual Report in the Urals Federal District category, and winner of the 10th Annual Competition of Annual Reports organized by the Expert RA rating agency in the following categories: Best Annual Report in the Non-Financial Sector, Best Annual Report on Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility.

MMK became the winner of the All-Russia Contest «Russian Organization of High Social Efficiency» organized by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development. The Company was awarded a Diploma of III degree in the category «Implementation of Social Programs» and was a one of the winners of the «100 Best Organizations of Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management» competition.