12 December ‘23

MMK recognised by Komsomolskaya Pravda’s National Environmental Awards

PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) was named runner-up in the “Eco-enterprise” category at the Komsomolskaya Pravda media group’s third National Environmental Awards. The awards recognise environmental projects that have fundamentally reduced the man-made impact on the environment.

MMK’s submissions to the competition included its projects for the construction of gas treatment facilities at its oxygen converter and electric steelmaking shops, which have reduced the amount of annual dust emissions released into the atmosphere from the two shops by 500 tonnes and 300 tonnes, respectively.

“The continuous reduction and prevention of negative environmental impacts is a key element of our strategy to ensure MMK’s long-term sustainability. Between 2017 and 2022, the Company allocated more than RUB 72 billion for these purposes. As a result, the comprehensive air quality index in Magnitogorsk has improved by over 60% during this period,” said Oleg Parfilov, MMK’s Director for Occupational Health, Industrial Safety and the Environment.

The development of an air quality monitoring system was a key factor in improving the environmental situation in the city, Parfilov added. With eight stations operated by the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) and three more operated by MMK, the system is able to determine the atmospheric composition and sources of emissions. MMK ensures the transparency of the monitoring system by publishing real-time data on its website.

The Company is currently carrying out another large-scale environmental project: the construction of its new coke plant No. 12. As the new plant is phased in, five existing units will be decommissioned, which will have a considerable environmental impact by reducing benzopyrene emissions by 92%, formaldehyde by 89% and dust by more than 20%.

By 2025, gross air emissions will be reduced by 25% compared with 2017 levels, meaning the Company will be in full compliance with a Russian presidential decree to reduce emissions by at least 20%. In terms of air quality, Magnitogorsk is on par with other Russian cities that are not home to major industrial production sites.

Komsomolskaya Pravda’s National Environmental Awards are professional awards for the best environmental practices, technologies and projects on the part of companies, non-governmental organisations and opinion leaders. The awards aim to encourage and recognise initiatives that promote sustainability and environmental stewardship.


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