17 June ‘24

MMK boosts production capacity in air separation products

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) continues to carry out the construction of a new air separation unit (ASU), which will become the most powerful such unit in the Company’s oxygen plant.

In terms of its power and efficiency, the ACAR 60/60 air separation complex is in line with the latest trends in cryogenic technology. It is capable of producing – with a minimum content of impurities – 60,000 cubic metres of technical oxygen and 60,000 cubic metres of pure nitrogen, as well as 2.35 thousand cubic metres of argon per hour. In this way, the new ASU will account for approximately 20% of MMK’s current oxygen production and 50% of the high-quality nitrogen gas produced today. Air separation products are widely used in metallurgical production to boost process intensity and improve product quality.

At present, MMK’s oxygen workshop operates 11 air separation units as part of two oxygen plants, Nos. 4 and 5. Plant No. 4 provides air separation products for the needs of the blast furnace shop, while plant No. 5 serves the Company’s steelmaking shops. The new production complex is an independent production facility and will operate separately as oxygen plant No. 6.

In addition to cryogenic equipment, the ASU currently under construction will also feature compressor equipment. The complex will additionally be equipped with a system for the storage and gasification of liquid air separation products. If needed, the workshop will be able to compensate for consumption peaks by gasifying liquefied products and transferring them to the MMK network. The unit is also equipped with its own cooling tower, pumping station and electric power substation. More than 70 jobs will be created to maintain the unit.

Magnitogorsk Gipromez is the general designer of the project and Prokatmontazh JSC is the general contractor for the construction. As of today, almost all equipment has been delivered to the site; the machinery hall building is almost ready for operation, and the air separation unit as well as nitrogen and air compressors are being installed. Commissioning of the ACAR 60/60 air separation unit is scheduled for Q1 2025.

The launch of the ASU will enable MMK to increase the production of air separation products, reduce their production cost and improve their quality, as well as decommission equipment that has reached the end of its service life. The ASU’s powerful equipment will contribute to the implementation of projects to improve the efficiency of metallurgical production, primarily in the steelmaking process.

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