MMK-Coal to install rescue chambers in its coalmines
MMK-Coal has installed the first series of rescue chambers in its mines as well as self-rescue stations with individual air packs to protect the eyes and lungs against toxins and provide oxygen while workers evacuate to safety.
The equipment is produced by PK-VISTEK, a company fr om the Kemerovo Region. In case of emergency, the equipment can sustain a miner’s life for up to 72 hours underground.
The first mine to install the new equipment and facilities is Chertinskaya-Koksovaya, one of the oldest mines in the Kuznetsk Basin area.
The self-rescue stations provide 50 self-contained self-rescue devices (SCSR), as well as an opportunity to rest while on the way to the emergency exit for up to five people at a time.
In the event of an emergency when it is impossible for miners to evacuate on their own, they can find shelter in a special rescue chamber. These contained rooms protect people from harmful toxins coming from fires or explosions, as well as high temperatures and blast waves. Chambers provide life support to 12 people for up to 72 hours. They are equipped with air filtration systems allowing miners to breathe without air packs or masks, as well as communication equipment to maintain contact with the mine’s dispatcher. Also, the new equipment is re-usable.
“This is just the first batch of rescue equipment,” said Vladimir Kharchenko, CEO at MMK-Coal. “We will be purchasing similar equipment for our Kostromskaya mine, and more for Chertinskaya-Koksovaya. Our R&D is calculating how many of these chambers we need and wh ere they should be located. This equipment could make all the difference in case of emergency for our people, and there’s no such thing as too much safety. We need to do anything and everything we can to protect the lives of our miners.”
About the Company:
MMK-Coal LLC is part of Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK Group) and is a large Russian producer of coal and coking coal concentrate, notably the highly in-demand Zh-grade. MMK-Coal LLC includes four units: the Kostromskaya mine, the Chertinskaya-Koksovaya mine, a centralized enrichment plant, and a servicing & logistics facility.