MMK saves more than USD 38.3 million thanks to increased production efficiency
As part of the strategic initiatives adopted in 2015 aimed at improving operational and functional efficiency, the MMK Group has for a number of years been working consistently and comprehensively to reduce consumption of all types of resources and to seek opportunities to further improve efficiency. As a result, since 2016, the Company has received an increased profit of USD 283.26 million. This included the impact of low-budget high efficiency investment projects (Baby Capex) which contributed in excess of USD 41.34 million.
During the first half of 2019, the optimisation of technological processes had an impact of USD 18.37 million, the introduction of Baby Capex had an economic impact of USD 7.5 million, invention and innovation provided a saving of more than USD 4.6 million and the implementation of energy saving measures allowed for a saving of USD 8.2 million.
Increased efficiency paints the following picture when observed through the prism of saved resources: saving fuel and energy resources had the most significant economic impact (USD 19 million), followed by base and raw materials (USD 9.75 million), as well as auxiliary materials (USD 5.74 million). The total economic impact for the first six months of 2019 amounted to more than USD 38.3 million.
Tight control over resource expenditure and the search for domestic reserves to reduce costs allow MMK to counter the negative impact of market factors, to ensure the competitiveness of its products and to maintain a strong presence amongst the leaders in both the domestic and global steel industry in terms of economic efficiency.