MMK invests nearly RUB 1.4 bln into social programmes in 2015
MMK is one of the leading socially responsible companies in Russia. One of MMK’s social investment priorities for 2015 was investing in charities, as well as supporting pensioners and the people with disabilities. With this aim, approximately RUB 450 million was invested in the past year.
Great attention was devoted to complex work needed to reduce MMK employees’ sickness rate. These programmes include measures such as increasing the quality of medical services, undertaking preventative work through a network of health centres and out–patient clinics, administering vaccinations, distributing vitamins, and providing spa treatments and recreation in health clubs and holiday centres, in addition to creating comfortable working conditions. In 2015, MMK invested almost RUB 193 million in treating workers and medical programmes. Last year, MMK spent over RUB 387 million on rehabilitating workers and their families, approximately RUB 80 million was spent on promoting a healthy life style and participating in sport and maintaining sports facilities.
In 2015, RUB 67 million was spent on programmes which encourage childrearing and support motherhood and families with more than one child. The costs of holding cultural events and maintaining cultural centres amounted to more than RUB 50 million. RUB 54 million was spent on providing hot meals. More than RUB 115 million was spent on housing, youth and education projects, additional pension benefits and other voluntary social engagements last year.
*Average RUB/USD rate in 2015 was 60.9579 rubles per US dollar.
Communications Department