25 October ‘18

MMK showcases high-strength MAGSTRONG at Hannover forum

MMK is a long-standing participant of EuroBLECH, which is held every two years. At the MMK stand, visitors of the exhibition were able to see a wide range of products and get an understanding of MMK’s technical capabilities for producing flat rolled products. MMK currently holds a strong leading position in this sector of Russian metals & mining industry.

A special place in the exposition was occupied by MMK’s high-strength and durable steel produced under the MAGSTRONG brand. This import-substituting product has a very wide range of applications. In particular, MAGSTRONG steel is used for the manufacture and repair of buildings, quarrying and other such specialist equipment, in load-bearing metal structures, as well as in the production of equipment for rock mining and shaft mining, and in several other high-tech products.

This steel has already allowed many Russian mining companies, specialising in the extraction of coal, copper, gold, potassium salts and phosphates, to completely replace the use of imported substitutes. The use of MAGSTRONG steel can significantly reduce the weight of products which results in considerable economic savings. The largest names within the machine-building, road-building, mining, quarrying and many other industries are all actively using MAGSTRONG.

Among the new products in the MAGSTRONG range are MAGSTRONG AGRO22 and MAGSTRONG AGRO33. These products are designed predominantly for companies that manufacture add-on components and accessories for tillage, sowing and harvesting machinery. The chemical composition and technological production of the steel are selected having taken into account the required characteristics of rigidity and durability in the final products.

The International Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition EuroBLECH 2018 was held from 23-26 October. This is the largest trade fair for the sheet metal industry and brings together industry professionals from all around the world. The EuroBLECH programme included thematic conferences and seminars. The previous forum, held in 2016, was attended by more than 60,000 people from over 100 countries. This year more than 1,500 companies from over 40 countries exhibited at the forum.

About MMK
MMK is one of the world's largest steel producers and a leading Russian metals company. The company's operations in Russia include a large steel-producing complex encompassing the entire production chain, from the preparation of iron ore to downstream processing of rolled steel. MMK turns out a broad range of steel products with a predominant share of high-value-added products. In 2017, the company produced 12.9 million tonnes of crude steel and 11.6 million tonnes of commercial steel products. MMK Group had sales in 2017 of USD 7,546 million and EBITDA of USD 2,032 million.

Investor contacts:
Andrey Serov
tel.: +7 (3519) 24-52-97
E-mail: serov.ae@mmk.ru

Media contacts:
Dmitry Kuchumov
tel.: +7 (499) 238-26-13
E-mail: kuchumov.do@mmk.ru

Dmitry Bulin
tel.: +7 (499) 238-26-13
E-mail: bulin.dn@mmk.ru

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