24 April ‘15

MMK Board Meeting Results

The Board preliminary approved the Company’s 2014 Annual Report.

The Board recommended that MMK’s AGM scheduled for May 29, 2015 declares no final dividend for FY 2014.

Earlier MMK’s extraordinary general meeting (held on December 12, 2014) approved the decision to pay dividends in the amount of RUR 0.58 per common share of the issued stock based on the company performance for 9M 2014. Such payment was executed within the time framework established by the regulator.

The Board has outlined the scope of documents (information) to be forwarded as reference to the shareholders prior to the AGM and approved the order in which such documents (information) have to be presented.

To check and review the above reference information the Company shareholders may visit the offices of the Status Registrar Company in Magnitogorsk (9, Zavenyagina St.) or MMK Shareholder Desk (6, Pushkina Av., rooms 421, 426) following April 28, 2015. Office hours: Mon-Fri, 9:30am - 4:00pm local time (both locations are closed for break 12:00pm - 1:00pm).

The Board issued a recommendation for the AGM to consider approving the Board-nominated Company Auditor – ZAO “PriceWaterhouseCoopers Audit” – and set the amount of payment for its services.

The Board has approved the ballot to be used for voting on the subjects listed on the AGM’s agenda.


Investor Relations Department:
Andrey Serov, Head of IR
tel.: +7 (3519) 24-52-97
e-mail: serov.ae@mmk.ru

Communications Department:

Sergei Vykhukholev

tel.: +7 (499) 238-26-13

e-mail: Vykhukholev.sv@mmk.ru

Dmitry Kuchumov

tel.: +7 (499) 238-26-13

e-mail: kuchumov.do@mmk.ru

Kirill Golubkov

tel.: +7 (3519) 24-03-02
e-mail: kgolubkov@mmk.ru

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