21 June ‘21

Paid leave for vaccinations

Paid leave will be granted upon the employee’s written request which should be submitted before the day of vaccination and agreed with the appropriate departmental head. Payment will be made after the employee submits a certificate from a medical organisation confirming the completion of the vaccination course or a COVID-19 vaccination certificate from the Gosuslugi (Public Services portal of the Russian Federation) website. This approach is also recommended to managers of MMK subsidiaries. The initiative will allow MMK employees to recover more comfortably from any possible side effects after vaccination.

In addition, MMK has strengthened measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among employees. A mask regime is still in effect at the Company, and communal areas, entrances, corridors, administrative and amenity buildings are still being sanitised. Air disinfection machines are still installed in the workshops and MMK continues to purchase the same volumes of personal protective equipment.

In addition, all the necessary conditions are in place for MMK employees and their families to be vaccinated.

"We are monitoring the epidemiological situation in the country and the region. The rate of disease spread is a cause for concern and requires us to mobilise further in all areas of work – the situation is serious," said Pavel Shilyaev, CEO of MMK, "Over the past year we have learned a lot and developed measures that have proven effective in preventing the spread of coronavirus. But most importantly, today we have an advantage that we did not have during the first wave of the pandemic – a vaccine and the opportunity to be vaccinated. There is no other effective way to fight this virus. Employees at the plant have a unique opportunity to sign up for vaccination through the 'My MMK' corporate mobile app. Moreover, they can also bring along their relatives to be vaccinated. I would like to point out that, according to medical professionals, the presence of antibodies is not a barrier to vaccination, and there is no need to undergo an antibody test before vaccination."

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