MMK plans to invest RUB 30 mln into the Centre over the next three years. Thanks to the Centre, MMK expects to implement a number of innovative projects at its key production facility, which would provide more than RUB 100 mln of economic effect annually. The key research areas for the next three years will be:
• Development of an instant 3D-printing centre for sophisticated equipment parts and units at MMK;
• Manufacturing solutions by processing Big Data;
• Optimisation of existing solutions in the field of neural network technologies for quality control and tracking material flows at ММК;
• Development of batch engineering solutions in the field of Internet of Things to maintain and repair production facilities at MMK;
• Development and implementation of innovative solutions in the fields of new materials, production technologies, instrumentation, energy saving at MMK to reduce production costs, increase the quality of MMK’s products, decrease environmental impact, and reduce risks related to occupational safety.
“Introducing advanced solutions in the fields of IT and AI (artificial intelligence) enables our company to successfully compete on any market by reducing production costs, improving product quality and offering the best available service to our clients. The decision to open the MMK Research Centre at the largest innovation platform in Russia is a logical step forward in implementing our policy to integrate best available technologies into our manufacturing processes,” said Pavel Shilyaev, MMK CEO.
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