17 March ‘20

MMK develops new version of MMK Supplier mobile app

The launch of the updated electronic trading platform (ETP) and new resources on MMK's corporate website is one of the stages of implementing the Company's transparency and openness policy aimed at developing MMK's partnerships with suppliers. The MMK Supplier app helps to attract vendors to work on MMK's electronic trading site and to develop competition during tenders.

This application is an integral part of MMK's electronic trading platform which presents new opportunities for suppliers of raw materials, equipment and services. The application is easy and convenient to use thanks to its clear organisation and intuitive design.

MMK Supplier allows potential vendors to:

1. Log in via SMS, email or via an MMK ETP user account;
2. Regularly and promptly receive news from MMK's ETP;
3. Track MMK's current demand for material and technical resources;
4. Get information about existing and new tenders, and download documents related to the procedure;
5. Receive information about contracts, deliveries and invoices;
6. View the news feed and receive notifications about the launch of tendors;
7. Subscribe to the newsletter about the launch of tendors in specific categories of interest;
8. Receive feedback from MMK specialists.

The app works on Android and iOS operating systems. To install the MMK Supplier app on your mobile device, you must use the following services:
· for devices with the Android operating system - GooglePlay
· for devices with the iOS operating system - AppStore

In the AppStore and GooglePlay app stores, the MMK Supplier mobile app is now available under the general name "MMK" (in Russian).

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