16 November ‘15

MMK offers alternative to foreign automotive sheet

Since the project launch in Autumn 2013, overall shipments to international carmakers with production facilities in Russia have exceeded 32,000 tonnes. MMK has completed all stages of metal acceptance by carmakers – from metal sample approval to shipments of pilot and production batches.

MMK has mastered production of more than 50 steel grades meeting European standards, mainly ultralow-carbon IF steel in various strength levels. This steel’s high plasticity makes it possible to optimise body structure, strengthen components due to deeper and more complex pressing. MMK also mastered production of bake-hardening steel, including that with the highest quality of surfacing – Group С.

High-strength low-alloy steel (HSLA) for car bodies, pillars and load-bearing parts is also in demand. MMK also supplies hot-rolled band from high-strength structural steel grades for chassis components. The Company developed new production technologies and received approval for cold-rolled and galvanised products from 450 MPa and 600 MPa dual-phase steel for strength elements and safety elements.

MMK plans to enhance production of extra high-strength cold rolled and galvanised products from dual-phase ferritic and martensitic steel (type DP800, DP1000), to multi-phase TRIP steel (Transformation induced plasticity) with tensile strength of 600, 700, 800 MPa for strength elements of car bodies.

MMK’s capacity to make high-quality products for carmakers, including international companies with production facilities in Russia, have significantly expanded with commissioning new cold-rolling complex 11. Due to of the technological capacity of this complex, MMK is able to comply with the most rigorous requirements regarding the surface of cold-rolled and hot-rolled metal products, meet tight thickness tolerance requirements, and apply ferrozinc and phosphate coverings to protect metal from corrosion. Thanks to this complex the company can produce high-strength steel that is demand by producers of cars and car components.

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