MMK to help develop standards for technology and innovation
The Standards will constitute recommendations on working with external innovations, along with other measures aimed at making large companies more efficient and creating a supportive business environment for new technologies and solutions. The Standards will be developed based on best Russian and international practices, as well as previous studies of innovation.
The document is being prepared at the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects (ASI). On September 7, the Agency organised a strategy session involving representatives fr om 50 corporations and development institutions working with innovative technologies, including the Skolkovo Foundation.
The Expert Group will offer its recommendations and proposals on the development of technology and innovation Standards. MMK with its active innovation policies and unique experience in upgrading production assets will become a member of the Group.
“Joining the Expert Group will allow MMK to learn from the experiences of others while sharing our own with regards to establishing internal innovation processes,” said Georgy Larin, head of MMK’s functional center at Skolkovo following the strategic session of the ASI. He added that it is important for MMK that the standards are of an advisory nature and do not include obligations requiring mandatory certification of Russian enterprises. “The current growth and diversity of both digital and traditional technologies, as well as the irregular development of metallurgical markets, do not permit the establishment of rigid frameworks wh ere the innovative processes of enterprises are concerned,” Larin said.