ММК to invest over RUB 35 bln in environmental initiatives by 2025
The meeting focused on environmental issues and environmental policy implemented in Chelyabinsk region over the Year of Environment held in Russia in 2017. CEO at MMK Pavel Shilyaev presented the environmental initiatives of MMK for 2016-2017 and talked about major environmental projects recently completed by the Company. Key investments included construction of environmental facilities designed to reduce air pollutant emissions from the first processing stage: sinter plant coke and by-product process, and blast-furnace plant.
MMK’s CAPEX programme for 2016-2017 envisages investment of more than RUB 5.4 bln in environmental projects, which include completion of reconstruction of sulphur capture systems at sinter plant, construction of aspiration systems for casting beds at blast-furnaces № 9 and № 10, reconstruction of gas-cleaning unit at double-hearth furnace, reconstruction of circulation water supply system, etc.
Pavel Shilyaev said that in order to improve the results of MMK’s environmental initiatives, in 2015 the Company developed a Clean City strategic porgramme, aimed at achieving low level of pollution in Magnitogorsk by 2025 (to bring the Air Quality Index below level 5). The programme comprises 31 initiatives, including construction of new dust and gas capture units, reconstruction of the first processing stage - construction of new sinter plant (assumes the shutdown of sinter plant №4), new blast furnace №11 (assumes the shutdown of blast furnaces №7 and №8), new coke furnace battery №12-bis (assumes the shutdown of coke batteries №1 and №2). Total MMK’s investment in environmental initiatives by 2025 will amount to RUB 35.6 bln.
About MMK
MMK is one of the world's largest steel producers and a leading Russian metals company. The company's operations in Russia include a large steel-producing complex encompassing the entire production chain, from the preparation of iron ore to downstream processing of rolled steel. MMK turns out a broad range of steel products with a predominant share of high-value-added products. In 2016, the company produced 12.5 million tonnes of crude steel and 11.6 million tonnes of commercial steel products. MMK Group had sales in 2016 of USD 5,630 million and EBITDA of USD 1,956 million.