Innovative potential

MMK, at both head office and subsidiary levels, is leading the way in the Russian metallurgical sector in terms of innovative potential, digital maturity, efficiency and optimisation of operations.

Our ambition is to ensure that the results of our R&D efforts not only serve the practical purpose and contribute to meeting the industry needs, but helped us develop an end product that will be in demand in the market.

We have ready solutions and bundled offers we intend to sell in the market. Our competitive edge is that potential customers can come and see with their own eyes how all this works and what economic benefits can be achieved. As I can see it, there are two ways of capitalising on this: sell bundled solutions or offer energy service contracts for several years.

Pavel Shilyaev



Руководитель функционального центра

Целиканов Данила

Старший менеджер группы математического моделирования и САИ

Шнайдер Дмитрий

Руководитель партнерского центра в Сколково

Ларин Георгий







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