
2 - 5 2 - 4 1 - 3 150* 2** 0 ± 2 ± 1 ± 0.2 8 - 15 σ МПа 0,2, ММА MAG / MIG FCAW TIG 400 500 600 700 EN ISO 14341 G 46 EN ISO 14341 G 42 EN ISO 636 W 46 EN ISO 636 W 42 EN ISO 16834 G 55 EN ISO 14341 G 50 EN ISO 16834 W 55 EN ISO 636 W 50 EN ISO 16834 G 69 EN ISO 16834 G 62 EN ISO 16834 W 69 EN ISO 16834 W 62 MAGSTRONG W700 о 75 С RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROCESSING WELDING CUTTING BENDING Distance from the boundary of cut, mm Hardness in the heat affected zone ** when plasma cutting mm Plasma cutting Water jet cutting Gas cutting Cutting method Cutting width Accuracy Heat affected zone (allowance value) * data obtained under laboratory conditions ** data obtained when cutting steel with a thickness of 12 mm min R/h Longitudinal Transversal Rolling direction h, mm Minimum when bending to an angle of 90° with guaranteed no cracks — R h P = 2 1,6 · B · h . σ B V Bending force Heating zone Recommended temperature 75 mm from weld seam Preheating (Recommended for thicknesses greater than 20 mm) Rate of energy input The amount of energy input should not exceed Q : max Product thickness, mm Q , J/mm max Heat affected zone Distance from weld seam, mm Specified hardness MIG-welding MMA-welding TIG-welding EN ISO 17632 T 42 EN ISO 17632 T 46 EN ISO 17632 T 50 EN ISO 18276 T 55 EN ISO 18276 T 62 EN ISO 18276 T 69 EN ISO 18275 E 69 EN ISO 18275 E 62 EN ISO 18275 E 55 EN ISO 2560 E 50 EN ISO 2560 E 46 EN ISO 2560 E 42 Welding materials Argon-arc welding with non-consumable electrode Semi-automatic flux-cored welding Semi-automatic gas shielded solid wire welding Electric arc covered-electrode welding , Pa U I V TIG MIG/MAG MMA k=0.6 k=0.8 k=0.8 k - arc efficiency - voltage, V - current, А - welding speed, mm/sec Q = k · U · I V